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OpenGLAM Badge of Approval

The OpenGLAM Badge of Approval is assigned to any Open Collection that fully meets the OpenGLAM principles.


The 5 core principles are:

  1. Release digital information about the artefacts (metadata) into the public domain using an appropriate legal tool such as the Creative Commons Zero Waiver.
  2. Keep digital representations of works for which copyright has expired (public domain) in the public domain by not adding new rights to them.
  3. When publishing data make an explicit and robust statement of your wishes and expectations with respect to reuse and repurposing of the descriptions, the whole data collection, and subsets of the collection.
  4. When publishing data use open file formats which are machine-readable.
  5. Opportunities to engage audiences in novel ways on the web should be pursued.

These collections will use a Public Domain licence with no additional restrictions. Other 'badge of approval' approaches to open content and open data include the European legislation on reuse of public sector information.

The collections that have been awarded the badge of approval are listed below.

Public Domain Collections

OpenGLAM Badge of Approval